Berwick Myotherapy Services

Myotherapists assess and physically treat myofascial pain, injury and dysfunction – these can adversely affect movement, mobility and quality of life. Myotherapy involves preventative, corrective and rehabilitative phases of therapy to restore and maintain integrity of the body’s soft tissue structure (muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia).

Pain or symptoms caused by muscle (myo) or fascia is described as myofascial. Myofascial pain is not usually specific or localised, and is often described by patients as a ‘deep ache’, ‘tightness’ or ‘tenderness’ in an area. It can vary in intensity and radiate to other areas of the body. Other symptoms can include reduced range of motion of muscles and joints, stiffness, fatigue, weakness, numbness, or a tingling sensation. There are many other possible symptoms – these depend on the condition, and patients can experience one or many symptoms.

Common conditions that Myotherapists can treat include:

  • Sporting & occupational injuries
  • Stiffness & pain associated with poor posture
  • Associated joint & vertebral dysfunction & pain
  • Acute & chronic conditions affecting function & mobility
  • Scoliosis / Kyphosis
  • Headaches / migraines
  • Acute & chronic neck conditions – including stiff & painful neck
  • Chronic overuse syndromes – tendonitis, RSI, tennis/golfer’s elbow, carpal tunnel
  • Acute & chronic back pain / ‘sciatica’



  • Shoulder pain, impingement syndrome, frozen shoulder
  • Hand & finger numbness / tingling – thoracic outlet syndrome
  • Knee, leg & foot pain – shin splints, patella tracking dysfunction, runner’s knee, ankle sprains
  • Arthritis / Multiple Sclerosis
  • Pregnancy – pre/post-natal complaints
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome & fibromyalgia
  • Pain & dysfunction associated with stress & tension
  • Rehabilitative stage of an injury or illness


What to expect from our Berwick myotherapy consultation:

Assessment – Clinical assessment includes comprehensive history records and examination routines of particular joints or regions.  It is assisted by highly developed tactile, palpatory skills and a thorough understanding of joint and muscular assessment procedures. These skills distinguish Myotherapy from other physical therapies. Assessment of potential causes of dysfunction is also important, as is a detailed postural examination.

Treatment – Soft tissue manipulation, Trigger Point Therapy, Myofascial dry needling, Myofascial release, Cupping, Thermal therapy / Cryotherapy, TENS machines, Postural assessment and correction, Corrective exercises (stretches, strength), Core stability exercises and workshops, Diet and nutritional advice.