It’s here! It’s finally here! The school holidays are over, and now begins the back to school recovery for Mums.
As much as we love them with every essence of our being, back to school recovery for Mums is on the agenda once books have been labelled, uniforms prepped and bags have been packed.
What a bittersweet job this is. All over Australia, mothers have the date marked on the calendar – the date they deliver their children to school for their first day back. It is bitter because they will miss them, and sweet because they can now start the back to school recovery for Mums. Every school Mum knows the feeling, and we all deserve some dedicated recovery time.
February is a time for Mums to reclaim space and nurture themselves. While summer holidays see families sharing moments and creating fun memories, everyone needs a little space to rejuvenate their body, rebalance their emotions and reconnect with their spirit.
This can’t be done when there are beautiful young ones pulling on strings and wanting to soak in their Mum’s presence. There are times that the noise can be too persistent and the questions too overwhelming. And it seems like they are always hungry!!
And, of course, there are the arguments and challenges that sometimes happen when people have spent a little too much time together and need quiet solo time!
No matter what age children are, mothers are not alone in feeling that sweet relief when the new school year ticks over. It doesn’t mean you love your children any less, and it doesn’t reflect on your commitment to the grand journey that is motherhood.
It does, however, remind you that you are an individual, a woman, and a person who needs a quiet, nurturing space to reconnect to herself.
It’s hard to do this if the fallout of the school holiday chaos is calling you, and you feel the need to get straight back home after that first school drop-off and bring order back to the house!
We are here to remind you that while an ordered, calm home is a nurturing space for your family, you also need to make time to reinstate harmony within yourself.
At Floating Cloud Therapies, we provide that space. We can help with that crucial back to school recovery for Mums, because at the end of the day our lives, homes and families are a reflection of our inner world.
So take some “me” time, nurture yourself with a restorative massage or Reiki, and start the new school year feeling balanced and grounded. Your family with thank you for it!
Contact Floating Cloud Therapies for more information, or make a booking to begin on the right track for 2019.